Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Peanut Island

Although it was a little windy, the sun was shining and the kids were ready to spend the day at Peanut Island.  We arrived in the morning and were anchored by 10am.  By 11am the kids were dressed in swim suits and ready to head to the beach.  We now faced the tricky task of getting everyone from the boat to the beach.  We decided to put 4 kids on the hotdog to tow behind the dingy, and the rest of us (5 adults, 4 kids) loaded into our 6 person dinghy, plus all our beach gear, buckets towels and such.  We were beyond full, but we made the half mile trip to the island to enjoy the day.  At lunch time Diane and I headed back to the boat to make a quick picnic lunch to bring back to the beach.DSCN0190


DSCN0212The kids had a great day snorkeling off the beach and playing in the sand.  The water temp was around 72-73 degrees.  It was a warm day, but a little windy so none of the adults ventured in the water, but the kids all loved it. It was a nice day for everyone.

Before heading back to the boat, we motored around the island looking for manatees, but we didn’t find any.100_0964




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